
My sister J was the one who brought me to eat Chawanmushi for the first time. And mm was it love at first taste! Anyone who knows me well enough know that i must order my japanese egg custard at japanese restaurants. Heh but this time, i decided to make some myself!

Recipe adapted from

3 eggs
1 1/2 cup dashi soup stock (you could use any stock you want)
1 tsp soy sauce
1 tsp sake
+ any ingredients you’d like in your chawanmushi!

I omitted the sugar and salt. Note: I used mushrooms, chicken thigh and crab meat in mine 😉

This needs no instructions. Just mix everything together.. and steam! I used my ramekins to contain them. Depending on the dish’s size, steam for about 8 to 15 mins.

The trick to this is to steam it below 100C. You can do this by putting a chopstick below the lid to create an opening. Then it won’t bubble and you’d get a nice smooth surface 🙂 I enjoyed this so much i swear these are of one those things you can probably eat everyday for the rest of your life and not get sick of it 😛

Even my grandma loved it! So much so she told me in chinese “You have to show me how to make this one day! I always wanted to know how to make this.” Her expression when she ate it was priceless. Hehe, chawanmushi, you make my day!

14 thoughts on “Chawanmushi

  1. Thank you for the recipe, something yang akak akan buat bila melawat orang sakit.
    I am glad to have found your blog and for sure I will be your follower.

  2. Omg, so nice. I wanna eat. 😦

    Anyway, where do you buy the stock? And do you put the mushroom, chicken and crabmeat tgt witht the egg mixture to steam? 😀

    Thanks! (:

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